Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year! 2017 Goals & Blog Updates

Happy New Year! 2017 Goals & Blog Updates | Cate Renée

Hello again, I want to start this blog post off by saying I hope you all had a very lovely Christmas and New Year's Eve and aren't now suffering from a hangover. As today marks the first day of 2017, I, like I'm sure most people, have decided to wipe the slate clean and start the year fresh and have gathered myself a list of goals and blog updates I thought I'd better announce before its suddenly March and we're already three months into the new year.

I've got several personal goals I want to achieve for myself this year, the main one being is to have a bit of a lifestyle change in regards to my health: cutting out gluten and lactose products and getting more active. I don't want to make that necessarily a goal for the year, but rather a change forever. I've always struggled eating and digesting foods high in gluten or dairy products - except cheese thank god! And for the most part I've found alternative items to substitute, but this year I really want to start feeding my body more raw and wholesome foods. On that note I might also add that I've never been one for exercise. I mean I participated in team sports as a child but nothing much after those early teen years. The one physical exercise I actually don't mind is swimming - I used to swim a lot and it's something I rather enjoy. Although I don't have a swimming pool of my own, there is a local pool about three minutes from my house and I've even scored myself a snazzy one piece from Christmas to sport. So here's hoping I don't give up on that in five minutes... I'm sure my hairdresser won't be loving this one.

Health goals aside, I've also written a few more in the Notes section of my iPhone: to be more selfish and enjoy the odd #treatyoself moment once or twice a week; whether that be a facial or new top, to read a book every month, utilise my social media better, have more adventures and to improve my photography skills when it comes to blog photos.

As 2017 is going to be a year of change for me, there are also a few things around here that require a little tweaking and improving. Firstly is my new upload schedule which will consist of two or three posts each week on Monday's and Wednesday's and occasionally on a Friday or a Sunday at 5pm AWST - that of course is subject to change but for now is set in stone. Another is I'm hoping once a month, roughly in the middle of the month I can share what makeup I've been wearing in the form of a Makeup Menu. And lastly, to match up with my personal goal of reading a book each month I thought I'd write a small review of my thoughts on each book that I read just like a mini book club.


  1. I love the book review idea -- I look forward to reading those posts. Happy New Year! x

    Sara | Sara Spoke

    1. Aw thank you! Happy New Year to you too xx


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