Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Dealing With Writer's Block

Writer's Block & How I Deal With It | Cate Renée

There comes a time for almost every blogger where they will be hit with the ol' Writer's Block/Blogger's Block. Yes, this is actually a real thing and I recently have been the subject of it. I love to write and blog, it's one of the few things I inject all my passion into, but when a sudden case of Writer's Block knocks on the door it can be hard to find your feet again. Another thing I didn't quite realise is the length of which this creative slump can hang around for; for some its a few days to a week, for me its been almost a month, but for others it can go on for what seems like forever. I love being organised and always have a million future blog post ideas coming together in my head, but I've really struggled getting the words out of me and onto the web. Seeing it's the most wonderful time of the year, and my favourite time to write, I'm trying my bloody hardest to kick this in the bum and get back into the blogging spirit. And so I thought I'd share with you a few tips on what I do and how I deal with Writer's Block.

Firstly, take a step back and don't beat yourself up about it, we can't all be creatively switched on 24/7/365 days of the year. I usually like to turn off my phone and avoid social media for at least a few hours, but if you can go a day or even the weekend without it, do it - you'll thank me later! And while you're on this technology break, pop on you're comfiest shoes and get out in nature or just out of the house; whether that be down to the beach or out for some retail therapy. There's a big lake and nature walk near my house (not the one pictured above - that's somewhere in Margaret River) so I love to bring my Dad along for an afternoon stroll and just "watch the world go by" as he says. This always leaves me feeling refreshed and relaxed.

My next tip I suggest is that you go and spend some time with friends and family and pencil them in for a coffee and cake date or catch up. Sometimes just surrounding yourself with familiar faces brightens me up and motivates me. I also like to go out and buy a new book or pick up a trashy magazine - it's amazing what some new reading material can do for the soul. But if that's not your thing then a scroll through Pinterest always inspires me and gets the creative juices flowing again. Lastly, don't force yourself to write anything that doesn't come naturally, talk about your passions and dreams and that's usually when you find yourself enjoying the writing process.


  1. Awesome blog post! I have been dealing with exactly that recently. Once you take a break and come back it will unblocked!

  2. What an encouraging post! Thanks for the positivity :)

    1. No worries, someone's gotta spread the positivity ☺️


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