Sunday, 22 May 2016

Getting Summer Vacation Ready

Getting Summer Vacation Ready | Cate Renée

With my huge trip to Europe and Dubai rapidly approaching I thought it was time to get things more organised and summer vacation ready. As Australia's seasons are opposite to the northern hemisphere I'd usually be in full winter mode, rugged up in oversized sweaters, but instead am trying to get bikini body ready. And since I'm about to spend a whole lot of time in a swimsuit and denim shorts, I've had to give myself a bit of a kick up the ass.

I know I won't become the next Victoria Secret model overnight and so a few weeks ago I began to drag my best friend along for a weekly brisk walk by the seaside. I'm also adding in some extra cardio and weight training in between at home, and am slowly beginning to tone up and shed a few kilos. A huge thing for me that has drastically supported my hopes for a bikini body is by upping my daily water intake - which I'm usually terrible with - and swapping out English breakfast tea for green tea. Not only has it helped flush out any toxins in my body but both have done wonders for my complexion. Now that I've got the fitness and health sides of things sorted, I've made sure to book all of my beauty and hair appointments for the week before I leave. Hair, nails or wax, whatever you fancy make sure to book a month or so in advance and to confirm a week prior to avoid any last minute at-home jobs.

Lastly, don't forget to check the weather forecast for the places that you've planned to visit. I mentioned before Australia's seasons are opposite, and as I'm traveling to Europe and Dubai I'll be needing to pack more summery items *pulls out maxi dress* So I'm praying by the time June 16 rolls around that I'll have everything more organised and sorted and will be able to board my flight stress free... well one can hope!


  1. I´m in the process of getting bikini body ready as well! I´ve been lowering my carb intake and hitting the gym frequently these days! I never thought I´d enjoy working out so much, but I actually do! Best of luck with your efforts and I hope you have a fab trip!


    1. Aw thank you so much!! I've been wanting to join a gym for ages but am in major saving mode so it's at home workouts for me!! ☺️


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