Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Feeling Overwhelmed...

Feeling A Tad Overwhelmed... | Cate Renée

Afternoon lovelies! I do hope everyone is having a fabulous day, me not so much! With my end of year school exams just around the corner, FRIDAY! - that day that's in two days from now- I'm starting to feel the stress come on and a little overwhelmed if I'm being completely honest with you all. I love being organised, I thrive off being organised, but this past week or so I've found myself anything but organised, and I do not like it. Majority of the time I have my blog posts written, photographed, and edited; days, weeks, even sometimes months in advance but this week everything caught up with me, including today's post- I promise I did originally have something scrummy and nutritious prepared, but with the added stress of many hours of homework and countless assignments and studying for exams, I've fallen a tad behind. I feel almost like I've failed you guys, okay that is a little dramatic even for me. 

Okay so I am not a total failure, I understand there comes a time in every blogger or anyone else for that matters life when things get busy, but I do feel like I've sort of let down this little space down by a big kerfuffle of nothing! Today I'm going to promise myself five things, and if I can make it through that list of five things to do, maybe I will survive this exam period. 

I start exams this Friday with my favourite, Human Biology - total sarcasm. And as for next week, Modern History is Monday morning, English on Tuesday, and lastly Wednesday is Geography. 

I'm going to try my absolute hardest to get through everything and hopefully the usual Saturday and Sunday afternoon posts will go up as planned. But at this moment in time I can't promise anything- study is my number one priority! As for today I'm just gonna sit my ass down and force myself to study whilst sippin' on green tea and chowing down a punnet of blueberries.

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