Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Room Tour & Inspiration

Room Tour & Inspiration | Cate Renée
Room Tour & Inspiration | Cate Renée
Room Tour & Inspiration | Cate Renée
Room Tour & Inspiration | Cate Renée
Room Tour & Inspiration | Cate Renée
Room Tour & Inspiration | Cate Renée

A post I've been wanting to do for ages! Finally, after a lot of trial and error, and hours of hunting for the perfect duvet cover, I've perfected my bedroom into an English rose-esque inspired sanctuary. Of course this all wouldn't have been possible without an inspiration or mood board, and the wonderful help of my mother. As an obsessive planner, I like to plan everything down to the very last detail before I even attempt to go looking for what I want. 

After having the whole red, black, and white colour scheme for a number of years, I felt it was time to update the old room and give it a new look that represents me at this current time in my life. I spent many hours researching on Google, Pinterest, and even Tumblr for bedroom inspiration. I knew what I want, but didn't know how to execute those ideas from my head into reality. I usually begin with finding a new duvet cover, but this was the hardest part, and I even spent two months looking for the right one- it ended up being the last thing I bought, because I was waiting for that feeling of "the one."

I love knick knacks, and I mean who doesn't? This was probably the best part of re-decorating my room, and I love nothing more and could spend hours searching for cute bits and bobs to complement my room, and tie it all together. I was fortunate enough to have received quite a few pieces for my birthday, as my Mum knew what I wanted. But I did also pick up a few things from stores like Target, Bed Bath N Table, Typo, and Thingz.


  1. would love to see a more updated room tour x

  2. I hope to do one sometime this year, my room looks completely different! :)

  3. may I ask where your throw and small white pillow is form on your new bed? ��

  4. Of course, the white throw and cushion I ordered online from xx


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